Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony

100% 5 star based on 166 reviews from TripAdvisor. Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony
Himalayan Mentor offers Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony, get weds in Nepal, Marriage in Nepal for those who want to enjoy the wedding with their partner in Nepali style! ,Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony,Wedding Tour,Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony,Published: 2022-01-30,Last Updated: 2022-01-30,, Excellent Tour Company for Nepal & Bhutan by December 1, 2020A true highlight of my trip around the world. A first-rate company that is very well organized for a Western traveler. Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony 3499 USD In stock Jan 06, 2040 Wedding Tour

Wedding or Marriage ceremony is one of the joyful and biggest moments in life that most of people go through. The vivid culture and tradition of Nepal (Hindu) specifies wedding as one of the major ritual among the sixteen main rituals. The Buddhist society also takes wedding as one of the best and major event in the lifespan. More than 85% of people in Nepal are Hindus and Buddhist and both of the societies consider wedding is very important ritual and plays a crucial role in individual’s life. Nepali people believe that if you got married you are more responsible persons. So it does bring vital change in your life.

The traditional way of wedding might be very interesting things for foreigners. This is the decision of family (from both side; bride and broom). In general, arranged marriage is still most popular in Nepali societies while the love marriage is rising gradually. Nepal has many casts and ethnic group and marriage rituals may differ from one religion to another, one caste to another and even one place to another.

The popular marriage system in Nepal is Traditional Hindu Wedding system (which called Baidhik wedding too), Newari, Gurung and Sherpa marriage but Hindu traditional is widely popular and used by many couples and families. Each community has their own rituals and processing for the ceremony. In the pas the wedding process takes even a week due to lack of transportation and people are living with traditional farming but now it take just a single day. During the wedding day there is a special ceremony where groom side goes to bride house (or temple, or party place, where the bride side makes the venue for the wedding ceremony) and return to the groom’s house same day after concluding the ceremony. Another day groom side organizes a wedding reception and invites their relatives, family/ friends (nowadays they invite bride’s family too). The wedding reception arranged as per the financial status of groom and his family.

Beside the Hindu wedding ceremony in Nepal, there is another interesting wedding ceremony which called Traditional Buddhist marriage ceremony. Buddhist wedding ceremonies are performed at the Monastery where bride and groom does customary offering in the assistance and guidance of Monk. The couple also offers the butter lamp to wish to achieve Buddhahood and the strong intention to recognize the clear light at the time of death as butter lamp offerings closely linked to transitional phases in life.

Nowadays people do the wedding ceremony in the mountains (like; base camp of Mt. Everest or Annapurna), natural places, and modern luxury holiday to have all the facilities for the couple and even for their friends/ families who invited for the ceremony.

Himalayan Mentor happily arrange the wedding ceremony for the couple who wish to get weds in Nepal with all support on venue/accommodation, catering, transportation, decorations, photography, videography and party as a complete event package. Please feel free to let us know your requirement and enjoy the wedding in Nepal for your lifetime memory and experience the major event of your life.

Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony,Himalayan Mentor offers Nepal Traditional Wedding Ceremony, get weds in Nepal, Marriage in Nepal for those who want to enjoy the wedding with their partner in Nepali style! ,,Last Updated: 2022-01-30,en-US, Himalayan Mentor