If you are planning travel to Nepal, you need to know so many things like; travel season, visa information, permit, currency and exchange etc. before you go. We at Himalayan Mentor provide you travel related information about Nepal, if you request us. Nepal tours or tours in Nepal is one of the easiest thing to do and you can get flight from all major cities of the world. Most of airlines fly to Nepal as daily or weekly schedule. If you provide the infos where you want to fly from, and then we will suggest you the best route to travel to Nepal.
Nepal is the best travel destination for those who are seeking for real peace and paradise. This country is boarded by two giant nations- in the north Tibet Autonomous Region of China and other three sides by India, covering areas of 147,181 square kilometers and one of the world’s amazing varied countries in between 200 km south to north elevation comprises 65m to 8848m above sea level. It is the best renown as county of Mt Everest and birthplace of Lord Buddha to the entire world. Due to its vast range of landscape diversification Nepal offers various type of tours & multi- adventure opportunities for outdoor lovers. Some of them are ever most popular activities among travelers like extreme mountaineering expedition, world’s outstanding hiking journey, exploring rare wild animals in nature and sightseeing visit to observe wonderful historical-cultural artifacts and monuments.
Nepal’s countryside remote natural heritages are best trekking destination for long days outing; simply travelers may experience and enjoy various ways- encountering its colorful cultural activities, spectacular views of splendid peaks, crossing challenging passes, whistling ridge top hike for beautiful photographs, research study of natural diversification and visiting indigenous hill terrace hamlets of remote areas all are awe-inspiring rewards for adventure travelers.
Travelers can visit to Nepal as a trekking holidays all the year round, however autumn and spring seasons are highly recommended due to stable weather condition in the high mountains and views are crystal clear. Besides long days hiking, travelers can also spend their holiday just visiting major highlighted spots as comfort sightseeing and cultural tour. The major sightseeing spots in Nepal are Kathmandu Valley includeing UNESCO world’s heritage sites, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini, Nagarkot, Dhulikhel etc.