Nepal is an outstanding multi adventure destination on the planet with its unique geographical kaleidoscope variations. The country is home of world’s highest mountain including Mt Everest and other thousand of mountains higher than 6000m. It is also birth place of Lord Buddha and Gurkhas’ homeland country where travelers can experience and enjoy their exotic holiday undoubtedly difference. Country’s amazing geographical orientations are the main natural rewards so the adventure seekers get more opportunities than their quest of challenge. Besides, Nepal is a fascinating land of ancient history, vibrant culture of tolerant people and home of living Goddess.
Since 1950's when its' borders were first opened to the outside world, the abode of the Himalayas, Nepal, offers probably the best trekking holiday, extreme mountain climbing, adrenaline river run, wonderful wildlife safari activities, historical-cultural sightseeing tours and many other adventure holiday options. Visiting remotes of countryside exploring there traditional people’s life style and encountering their culture make you to feel precious insight into fast disappearing world and embark on truly life-enhancing journey of discovery.
Fact Figures of Nepal
Location: South Asian Region, China’s Tibet Autonomous Region in the north, and India in the South, East and Westand geographicallyNepal islocated between 800 4'- 800 12' east longitude and 260 22'- 300 4' north latitude.
Total Area: 147, 181 Square Kilometer (about 200 Km width north to south & 885 km east to west)
Area Covered on Earth: 0.01% of Earth & 0.1% of Asia
Geography: 64% Mid-Hill Mountain (Mahabharat Range), 6% Churia Hill( Siwalik Range), 13% Plain Land of Terai, 17% Himalayan Alpine Region approximately
Time Difference: + 5:45 of GMT
National Language: Nepali
National Greeting: Namaste (means I salute the divine in you)
Sea Port: None, Landlocked by India south, east and west and by China’s Tibet Autonomous Region in the north
Population: 29.3 million, according to year of 2009 estimation
Religion: Multi Religious Country (about 80% Hindu, 10% Buddhist, 4% Muslim & 6% others religious)
People: More than 60 ethnic groups and about 70 different spoken languages
Culture: Multi Culture Country
Source of Economy: Traditional Agriculture, Tourism & Cottage Industry
Main Highlights: Mt Everest 8848m & Birth Place of Lord Buddha (Lumbini)
Political System: The Multi-Party System & Federal Democratic Republic since 2008